Friday, January 21, 2005

back v2 final... return service:)
Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 20, 2005

ngantukk... akhirnya selesai juga.. capeknya... |-)
Posted by Hello

Back-v2 comment pls...
Posted by Hello

Friday, January 14, 2005

drainage systemnya jalan loh...
Posted by Hello

the giant nandi's *4 TONs man!!!
Posted by Hello

the amazing stuctural wonder...
Posted by Hello

ada apa dibalik batu itu????
Posted by Hello

more details coming up!
Posted by Hello

details rule's the earth :) singa penjaga nih..
Posted by Hello

I'm da budha, and I'm facing south... :)
Posted by Hello

I'm dead, and nobody care about me, they only came here to look the budha's....
Posted by Hello

ada brapa jenis batu yang digunakan dalam pembuatan candi borobudur? jawabannya adalah.. cuman atu jenis batu man!
Posted by Hello

ada cicak mati di borubudur :D bingung mo diambil dari mana...
Posted by Hello

nah.. yang ini sih harusnya ada di blog nya kompie....
Posted by Hello

ah.. the irony.. kenapa pemahat prambanan jago2 semua?
Posted by Hello

mo bikin shilouete tapi kurang mati eksposurenya ... masih ada lain kali...
Posted by Hello

eksperimen ama direct sunlight.. hasilnya keren juga.. tapi sensor D70 nya rusak gak ya???
Posted by Hello

kayak foto yang lama, cuman beda angle aja.. D70, 28-200, salah setting...
Posted by Hello

an actual drainage system.. sori belom gw rotate.. D70, lensa masih 28-200...
Posted by Hello

foto relief prambanan, pake D70, lensa 28-200
Posted by Hello

fotonya kasih... jangan tanya kenapa gw masukin...
Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

high quality photo. resolution --> 1024
Posted by Hello

high quality photo's :)
Posted by Hello

foto kelas 1.1 yang satunya lagi...
Posted by Hello

fotonya 1.1 :D
Posted by Hello

Monday, January 03, 2005

a statue, the same as the first one, exept that this one is taken from a difrent angle
Posted by Hello

foto kelas sebelum dwi pindah... agak terlalu gelap, motret pake 505V yang flashnya mati...
Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 02, 2005

a cat potrait :) *miauw*
Posted by Hello

the coast of pacitan... a bit oof, but will make it better nextime.
Posted by Hello

my sis, playing with the cat outside one of the shop we visited in pacitan...
Posted by Hello

nice isn't it? POI masih kurang jelas sih...
Posted by Hello

a pillar in kraton Jogja. I love the detail :)
Posted by Hello

photographed using...

eng ing eng... semua photo yang dari jogja gw ambil pake D70, lensanya pake 24-70 ama 28-200... :D

at last... my photo... a bit blurry.. but then, why not?
Posted by Hello

the feet of one of the statue in prambanan, I don't remember why I took this picture, but I like it...
Posted by Hello

I don't know why, but I really like this picture. still in borobudur.
Posted by Hello

a picture of a budha statue in borobudur
Posted by Hello

a picture of a relief in prambanan
Posted by Hello